Congress Literally Doesn't Care What You Think - (Academic Study Concludes)


Professors from two of the most prestigious universities in the U. S. have come to that conclusion after studying 20 years of data and comparing public opinion surveys in that time period to policies which actually became law.

I encourage you to go to for more details and information, but the truth is we all knew something was wrong long before the professors quantified the results

I believe that the reason congress ignores the demonstrable will of the American voter and passes legislation that ignores or defies our interests is a basic, very insidious form of corruption. Legal corruption. The law has been written to allow, even encourage this corruption.

I've had some personal experience with political corruption. When I ran, unopposed, for Grant County Coroner I almost lost the box in Prattsville. Even the party chairman whose party benefited from this very direct, very clumsy corrupt voting practice was embarrassed by it. The Sheriff of that poll lost his job and could have been charged.

We are all familiar with Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall. He and they ran New York City for decades with the rankest forms of political corruption. Tweed famously said, "I don't care who does the voting as long as I do the nominating; and he did the nominating for many years and reaped the benefits of his theft and graft. Eventually he and many of his minions went to prison.

Today, the recent study shows, we are all paying for the financial benefits of an influential few.

Six industries are shown to have spent more than $15 Billion to influence government. The return on that kind of influence buying can be 750 to 1. No wonder industrialists in Pharmaceuticals, Energy, Defense, Finance, Agribusiness and Communications spend Billions to influence legislators and regulators. They get Trillions in return.

Both old parties are bogged down in the cesspool of corruption that is Washington. One may be hip deep and the other neck deep, but between them they have written legislation that makes the worst possible corruption legal. They have worked together to allow your tax dollars to be drained away by special interests that cut the politicians and regulators in on the greedy torrent of dirty money.

If you want to do anything meaningful about this kind of corruption in this election cycle, there is only one way to do so. Voting for the somnambulant senior senator won't change anything. A vote for the blue dog or yellow dog or whipped dog, whatever kind of dog the Democrats are offering this year won't have any effect on a corrupted political system.
